Well Rd.1 sure was one of Great excitement and a bit soggy but boy was it awesome. And a Huge congratulations to Chelsea DeNofa and his team. They put on an amazing show the entire weekend along with the rest of the teams and drivers. This year looks to be a great year of competition, And we can’t wait to see what it has in-store for us next. Now the Series is off to Road Atlanta for Round 2 and we have you chance to win tickets.
We have Four tickets up for grabs and all ya have to do it – tell us What made you decide to become a fan of drifting?
All entries must be received by April 29th, 2016 12 noon(PST). Email to winners will be sent later that evening. Make sure you leave your real email address when inputting the comment, as we will be emailing you to confirm its a valid address and to inform the winners. *1 The email address will not be shown to the public (This does not include air or transportation to the event or room and board). Ticket will be good for both Saturday and Friday.
The best 4 comments will get the tickets to see the FD action in Road Atlanta.
*1 (Please be aware any email addresses will be shared with Formula Drift and Formula Drift only. This will not go to their partners and is just for their use and our use only. Thank you and enjoy what we do for you.)
I’ve always been a fan of cars in some sort of way really.. Like when I was younger I’d always notices loud cars instantly at just stare at them until they were gone. About 2 years ago when I started listening to turbos, the sound just instantly made me love them more and it went from just turbo compilations to like burnout and ect. I realise that drifting is more then just burning rubber and putting your foot down, it’s even more then a career (if you make it one) it’s a lifestyle. I’m only 17 and I am adamant that I’m going to continue how I go about drifting now, in the future. My father passed away (hospitals fault) when I was 5 and after suing them, mum had put a deposit in our banks to kick us off when we’re 18. I am 1000000% going to spend it on a drift car (LS1 S14) It’s all I’ve been saying to mum since I realised drifting was what I wanted to do, that no matter what it takes, I will become a drifter. May not be proffesional, but most definitely a drifter. The people! There so much cooler then anyone else! The community, the laughs, the things you learn and so so so much more. Nothing in this galaxy can compare my love for drifting. If I could drop everything and click my fingers to become a successful drifter and not see anyone ever again from this exact moment, my God would I do it in a heart beat.
The thing that made me a fan of drifting is The cars and that Butifyl moment you have when your going around a corner.
I first found out what drifting was about 4 years ago when my brother took me to a local event called Street Life Tour at Kil-kare in Xenia, Ohio. Needless to say, but I was instantly hooked. It looked like so much fun! I went home that weekend and started looking for a car to build. My brother and I built an LS swapped FC RX7. So many memories spent at the track and building that car. Drifting inspired me to follow my dreams of driving cars! The drifting community is awesome!
All I need to say is its art at a different angle
The first time I ever saw drift was watching Tokyo Drift on the cinema. After that I couldn’t have enough, everywhere looking for videos, tutorials, drift games and such. Here in Brazil we had the first Srift event last year, where I met Masashi Yokoi, and strengthen even more my love for this art. Winning this tickets could mean my first ever Formula Drift event, and that would be fantastic. Next year I’ll be starting Drift Lessons with the goal of one day signing up to Formula D. Cheers to everyone!
I have been a fan of drifting since the early 90’s. When I was a kid I had an old, completely plastic ATV that I would slide on the road in front of my house. I loved the feeling of being out of control but also being completely in control. I started working on cars at an early age and I was considered the blacksheep of the family. I would watch Option DVDs and play Initial D/Maximum Tune at the arcade. Soon after I was able to save up money and bought my first 240 coupe. Unmolested, stock, never been drifted, KA…still have it, but it now has a V8. I’ve done some events and drive it on the weekends every now and again, but I have since had to turn my focus on my career, so for the time being drifting will be on the backburner…but that does not mean that I have forgotten about it.
“Sometimes not being in control is the most beautiful thing in the world.”