After a long wait, we are finally back at Willow Spring International Speedway for the TopDrift series and the chance to earn a Pro2 license. Since 2002, JustDrift has been holding this event and has always catered to excited drivers, the ones who are serious and have a love for the sport. This year, Trent Beechum (@trenton_beechum), 2015 TopDrift championship took first place at Formula Drift Pro2 round 1. While Rome Charpentier (@romecp), 2018 TopDrift championship took second place.
Tag Archives: Balcony
Just Drift TopDrift FD ProAm Rd.1 Registration now open.
Registration is open for JUSTDRIFT TOPDRIFT FD PRO-AM Round 1 May 18-19 Register HERE
Willow Springs Raceway Balcony Circuit Track
May 18-19 2019 – Entry includes both days. Saturday practice and Sunday competition.
TOP DRIFT LIMITED Round 1 April 29th – 30th Registration
Just Drift Kicks off it’s 2017 Limited Series championship this month out at Willow Springs International Raceway. Registration is still open.
Just Drift TopDrift Formula D ProAm Rd.1 March 25-26
Just Drift kicks off their 2017 TopDrift Formula D ProAm season out at Willow Springs International Raceway. The event will be held on the Balcony Track.
2017 Boost Festival by Honeywell Garrett
The 2017 Boost Festival by Honeywell Garrett. Join us as we celebrate the best of all things Boost! This year’s event will take place at the famous Willow Springs International Raceway in Rosamond, CA. Global Time Attack will be coordinating a Pro-Am event on Streets of Willow, JustDrift will host the open drift track day on Horse Thief Mile, and Drift 101 will be selling 1-hour drift lessons to spectators that want to learn to drift. Our vendor midway is great if you are looking to check out local performance product manufacturers and race shops, and to check out all the latest GTX Series turbocharger products by Honeywell Garrett
There will be lots of prizes to raffle off throughout the day to be announced shortly.
First 100 attendees get a schwag bag
Saturday Feb 25th
Willow Springs Motorsports Park
3500 75th St W, Rosamond, CA 93560
Racers 6am – 6pm
Vendors 7am – 6pm
Spectators 9am – 6pm
Just Drift Top Drift Limited Rd.1 Quick gallery
Here are some shots from Just Drift TopDrift Limited Rd.1 that took place out at Willow Springs on the Balcony Track. Congrats to Tyler Page-Howell on the win as well as Cory Faso and Sean Adrian for rounding out the podium for the event. This was such a fun and exciting event the atmosphere was just great among fans, drivers, Staff and the fellow photographers.
Here are a few quick pics of shots from the event. full gallery can be found HERE. Was good getting in some shooting action while not having to staff so much lol. The next round of Top Drift Limited will be June 25-26 out at Willow Springs. -Paul