My head is blistered, my cards are filled with photos and videos. Two videos have already reach the world wide web and got people excited. Then to the editing of over 800 photos down to just a few that meet my expectations and over 30 that will be there for your enjoyment. Its been 56 hours since this event started and I couldn’t be happier knowing there is still a few days left in editing video on every off minute of work there is.
During my day job if work kept me this damn busy I would have already thrown a burrito at the wall and a Dr. Pepper at someone’s head. There is no sense in arguing the fact that this is funner than so called “real work”. I may not get compensated worth a damn to do it, but sometimes its easier to put my best foot forward when Chelsea DeNofa is throwing his tires at me while moving at over 60 miles an hour trying to catch up to his competition on two rubbers and two rims.
These are the things that make me rush to keep the shot but pucker my turd hurdler while side stepping my burrito filled gut to keep both my limbs intact and the shot in focus.
At my day job, some one would have to hold a gun to my head to get me to move that fast and even then I think I would probably just close my eyes and say “You know what bro… you put this F%@#ING report together on your own or pull that trigger mother F%@#ER because I got all the time in the world to realize my life choices may not have been the best ones to equip me in this damn situation so F#@& OFF!!!! I got a lunch break in 15 you better not make me late to the cafeteria because Christine always takes two slices of cake and there is only enough for half of the F%@#ING office so PISS OFF IM ON A DEAD LINE!!!”
There is no better solace than seeing these cars fly by my head with the driver intently monitoring how close he can get to rubbing his tire on the outskirts of the neighboring autos passenger door during the long 32 degree bank slide at The Wall in New Jersey. Sometimes other drivers pucker up and freak out by the close proximity of asphalt grippers. Or maybe those Nittos did lay a little traction on his Hankooks, who am I to be the judge, because I am just here to soak in the roar of the crowd and bathe in the smoke as it drifts by with nothing more than the need to keep the whole thing in a box pressed against my face.
Next time lets keep this short and sweet I got rest to get to before waking up to jump in my front wheel drive 4 banger to slip back in the groove of regular everyday life with need to pray for the inevitable cubicle warfare between a disgruntled employee. Whose mere existence at that point would be to either end my life and move me on to the next one, or miss completely. Giving me the chance to claim PTSD so i can take a few weeks off work and follow around Formula D to Round 5 of the circuit.
Lets all cross our fingers its an eventless day at work… – Robert T Fischer
Click link HERE or any of the images to be taken to rest of photo album.
Top notch brotha! As always your reports have me rolling only because I know exactly how fucking crazy you are! Keep up the good work Fisch! Maybe I can get you to come out to Sydney and get some killer shots and, well hell we can gang rape the track slut again!!!
Great perspective Fisch! Makes us feel like we were right there with you -lmao…the drift life
Brother, you are a loon, haha. Wish we were there wit ya.
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