IDS European Drifting Championship – Nurburgring from TuningGarage on Vimeo.
Here another great video from our friends over at Hope you enjoy.
EN: This movie was made in Germany, on the famous NurburgRing Circuit, during the European Drifting Championship round organised by IDS. The event took place on the Sudschleife part of the track, with drivers attending from countries all over Europe.
RO: Acest film a fost realizat in Germania, pe faimosul circuit Nurburgring, in timpul rundei din Campionatul European de Drift organizat de IDS. Evenimentului s-a desfasurat pe partea de sud a circuitului (Sudschleife) , cu piloti venind din toata Europa.
1st Place: Philipp Stegemann (Germany) – Nissan Skyline R32 RB26 (>400HP)
2nd Place: Juha Rintanen (Finland) – Nissan Silvia S14 2JZ (>600HP)
3rd Place: Benno Frieden(Switzerland) – BMW M3 E36 (>300HP)
You can see more photos and more info about this event following these pages: